Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Solution to Quiz Round 2

Good evening!
Ok, I admit that apparently my last question was a bit tricky.
Jade, as you can see below,
answered twice Chapa de Costas.
What is Chapa de Costas?
The Chapa de Costas is a Capoeira movement (more popular with the angola style), which looks like this:
And indeed, it's a dangerous movement, as is
the Rabo de Arraia, which was a hidden hint and looks like that:(it's a spin kick.)

So, that hint was pointing toward Capoeira, True.
Both other participants, stephan and sami,
opted for the Chamada. The Chamada is actually part of the Capoeira training, and as soon
as one can play in the Roda, he or she must be prepared to be challenged by a chamada.
we all agree that all the hints somehow pointed towards Capoeira,
like Axé!, but Stephan answered that well so I won't explain more here.

The problem is only that I asked for a specific part of Capoeira, which, sorry to say that, has a lot to do with Capoeira but is NOT Capoeira:

The correct Answer would have been:

Maculélé is not very known, not even amongst the people who make Capoeira, and is MUCH more dangerous, because the people are using sticks and/or Machetes...within the fast pace of the Capoeira movements.
Here's the Wiki link.
So, no one had the right answer...
I know that wiki and google didn't really make a good connection between capoeira and maculele, but actually, the link between both sports is , I think, quite like i described it.
But anyway, I'm gonna give away some points:
Jade: +3
Stephan: +5
Sami: +5
Sorry Jade, but they were a bit time better luck!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Le Quiz, Round 2

Welcome to the second round!
First of all, thanks to all people who participated.
Let's see who's leading the scores:
Since this is the first round, I also gave away points to people who didn't answer the question, but showed ...'interest'.
Stephan: Correct answer, 5 Points (because of the first round)
Sami: Same, 5 Points
Jade, Christine, Manu and thePumba: 1 Point, for the interest.
The correct answer was of course,
Le manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse by Jan Graf Potocki.
This book is excellent, if you have the possibility to read a copy, go ahead and try it.
Also: there's a movie from 1965, which is of course shortening a bit the book, but still is one of my favourite movies. It's a bit lengthy(175 min), though, so take your time when watching it and be awake. You can find more info on the movie here.
Go and watch the movie, if you can, it's definitively worth it.
So, let's head to the second round!
This question asks for a part of an Religion/Sport/Ritual, and will be up for 2 - 4 days.
Here are the hints:
-This part is not very known, not even amongst practicants of the sport
-It's the most dangerous part of the sport
-The Sport/Ritual/Religion is unique (worldwide), and gains slowly a bigger popularity
-It's very demanding to take part in this sport...
-The effectiveness of this Religion/Sport/Ritual was tested in a (sort of) war
and here, as always, the hidden hint:

-The beginning and ending of a normal training session involves saying the name (when written down) of a famous desodorant
-Rabo de Arraia

Please take care: the question does not ask for the name of the sport, but a specific part of it!Well, I hope this is not too difficult:-)Else, I will perhaps post more hints.
Happy riddling!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

News (1)

Good Morning Everybody!
Tonight, or tomorrow morning,
the next question of the quiz will start.

I changed my preferences so that I have to approve all new comments,
so that the people taking part in the quiz won't be discouraged if someone was faster than them.

(I hope this is working, else we will have to go to mail the answers...which is a bit too much effort, if you ask me.)

@Manu: That's the quiz, Christine is convinced that Stephan forgot something in his answer.
We'll see about all that either tonight, or tomorrow.

I'm going to work now, need coffee.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Due to the extraordinary high amount of people participating at the quiz (1 person),
I decided to make / start a new quiz round. The rules are now much more elaborate, as follows:

  • -The quiz goes on for 10 - 15 questions (either 10 or 15!)
  • -You can answer every question until the next question is up
  • -Every question will be up for approximately 2-4 days (depending on how much time i have, how many people answered already and how many answers were right)
  • -Even if you are not sure about an answer, just post what you think is right (see next rule)
  • -Every answer will get points on a scale from 0 - 10. (0 is a plainly wrong answer, 10 is an extraordinary well written answer which is correct. Answers which are not correct may get points too, for example if they are "close" to the correct answer)
  • -The winner will be the one with most points
  • -Only one answer per person
  • -This is a private quiz and thus you cannot apply any laws except mine to it, if you're not happy, go away and whine.
  • -Answers are accepted in English, French and German.
  • -You may ask for a translation of the question
  • -the correct answer will be put up when the next question is put up.
  • -There will be a prize for the happy winner (apart from the fame:-) ). This prize will be determined by me, and if the winner comes from abroad, send by post to his adress. The Prize is secret, but it's!
  • -If at the end of the quiz there are multiple persons with the same amount of points, the prize will either be splitted or a tie question posted. the one with the correct answer posted first will then win the tie (like sudden death.)

So, ready to compete? Warm up your brains, since this is a hard quiz, and I mean it!
Ok. The correct answer for last week was "Ultraviolet" or "Ultraviolette", but since the rules were not up last week, Stephan doesn't win anything; not even points. Sorry.

So here's the first question:

This question asks about a book.
Those are the hints:
-The narrative structure/narration style is similar to 1001 nights
-Takes basically place in spain
-The genesis of the book is nearly as amazing as the book itself
-It's quite famous

And here is the top-secret-hidden hint:

-the Author is said to have committed suicide by shooting himself with a silver bullet, which he had filed/rasped until it fitted in his pistol.

Think you found everything? score points by adding the authors name and the year of first publishing to your post! have fun!
Answers go down here, to the comments.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Der erste richtig langweilige Eintrag in diesen blog.

This Blog-entry in French and English.

Also, momentan hab ich nur bissle kosmetik am blog vorgenommen,
leider arbeite ich im Moment ganz schön, was heisst leider, is ja ok,
aber für eventuelle besucher ist das eben doof weil ich nimmer zum updaten komme.
Naja, dafür hab ich die link und blogsection geupdated , über diese links müssten alle eigentlich immer gut informiert bleiben.
Gestern abend war ich auf einem Coldplay -cover band event in St.Jerome, war ganz lustig, diese coldplay gruppe scheint ja irgendwie doch wichtig zu sein...vielleicht haben die sogar fans...(und ja, das ist ein witz gewesen und ja, ich bezog mich auf das original, nicht die coverer)...
Das eigentliche Ziel der Aktion war ja, Timothée, der heute wieder fährt, und vermutlich gerade im Flugzeug schläft, soviel Alk einzuflößen, daß er eine nette Erinnerung an Quebec behält (aufmerksame Leser wissen dass dies mal wieder eine Anspielung war...hehe), was uns vermutlich auch geglückt ist.
Ebenfalls vermutlich ist es wohl ab und an doch ganz gut, dass ich keinen Fotoapparat habe, sonst würden nämlich heute hier einige weit weniger freundliche fotos des gestrigen Gelages stehen, als diejenigen, die wiederum vermutlich baldigst auf einem der oben erwähnten blogs zu finden sein werden.

Die musikalische Untermalung für das schreiben dieses eintrags war übrigens Pepe et sa guitare, ein sogenannter Lokalmatador.

Ach und noch ne neuerung: Le Quiz!
Die erste Frage fragt nach einem Film.
Hier die Hinweise:
-Auf dem Plakat sind (pseudo-)thailändische Buchstaben auf einer Klinge zu sehen
-Basiert vielleicht auf einem Comic
-Spielt in einer nahen Zukunft
Und hier die geheimen Hinweise (die das ganze fast zu einfach machen):

-Es geht um eine Heldin

-Die Darstellerin wirkte auch in Resident Evil mit.

So, wenn ihr die Lösung habt: Der Comment-button ist gleich hier unten...:-)

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Ok. I'll make this short:
GO and see this film! Allez voir ce film! Geht und guckt euch diesen Film an!

As you can probably see, I went to the movies and saw Bon Cop Bad Cop (shoot first, translate later)... And it was EXCELLENT!
Ok, the story about two cops who can't stand each other but have to solve a crime together is not really new, but what counts is the way it's done.
And it's done pretty perfectly. The actors are great, to start with, the script is excellent even if bilingual (main language is French - Quebecian French - with some English parts which have French subtitles).
Well, what's it about? A guy is found dead with one part of his body in Quebec, the other part in Ontario, so the authorities decide to solve the case together. Obviously there's a lunatic strollin' around killing people because they are selling Hockey Teams (basically, I don't want to spoil you the movie).
The movie is suspenseful, well shot, offers some nice footage of Toronto and Montreal, and hilariously funny.
Here's my review:
Camera: 8/ 10
Sound and Music: 7/ 10
Story (lacking creativity but very well done): 8/10
Actors: 9/10
The Infamous Matrixdancer Factor (for beeing in Canada, seeing how the movie plays with the clichees, and sensitively strikes on the little tensions between Quebec and Ontario, and the wonderful dialogues in quebecian French and English): 10/10
Total Score: 42/50

So, if you have nothing to do, go see the movie. You'll learn some nice things about Canada....Tabernacle!
A trailer is available here: Trailer

Ich habe keine Ahnung, ob dieser Film auch in Deutschland erscheinen wird, und falls ja wann, aber ernsthaft, viel Sinn gäbe das sowieso nicht (leider), denn entweder müsste man die Story angleichen (ein ostdeutscher Polizist und ein westdeutscher versuchen einen Mordfall zu klären - was, das gabs schon, und ist ausserdem noch ziemlich doof? egal), oder aber viel von dem Humor ginge verloren. Mein Tipp also: auf französisch gucken, wenn man auch nur bissl französisch kann, lohnt sich der Film schonmal.

Bis bald, werte Leserschaft.
Macht mal was kulturelles! Äusserst wichtig, bildet ungemein und erheitert auch bei trübem wetter.
cu, µ