Thursday, April 13, 2006

The funny and uncanny persons i`m living with - Part ONE

Ok. You voted. All five of you...
and the vast majority opted to know about the bizarre people I`m living with...
60%, that is.
So here we go:
1. M.: The bald-headed, witty looking italian. He works at the same place I do.
The typical phrase: "ahh...wait...I didn`t understand...mhhhh...(*pause*)...I think that it`s not that, ...but you were right."
He was a mediadesign and storytelling teacher at university, as far as I know.
Estimated Age: =30
More to come...

2. L. The tall, you-can`t-impress-me-with-anything-because-I`ve-seen-it-all italian.
Same workplace.
The typical phrase: "I don`t give a shit. (*laughs kindly after saying that*)"
He has done many jobs back in italy, like being a cook (chef!) and recently translator.
Estimated Age : >40
Special Traits: He`s the only one of us three, who has not only found a nice little flat for him and his dog which will be imported in some days now, he is also the one who has a CAR. That means we owe him some. (*perhaps i should stop writing in English without knowing what the words actually mean.*)
More to come...

3. L.: Our Landlady...described perhaps next time.

Anyway, it`s quite difficult to describe the people you are living with, since they also read blogs and so they might eventually find out how much of a bitch I can be...:-)))
But then, they`re fine. They are very open-minded people (I`m talkin`bout the italians now) and they love to laugh. Usually at me, which makes me "stroppy" (I have no idea what this means but L. always points me out as a "stroppy" person and then keeps laughing for the next 30 minutes), and anyway, I can handle it. Really. I mean it.
Fortunately they are quite often speaking italian so I won`t understand what they are talking about...(*That`s what they think. hehe*)
and sometimes, I even manage to shut up so they can tell some funny stories, example given how cheap everything in good ol`Italy was, how much sun there is there, and sometimes they even give away some really funny tidbits of their past(s). But before telling YOU about it, I`ll ask their permission...I mean, better not stress /push them too much... I have to live with them...:-)))

See you hopefully soon, dear reader.
sincerely yours, µ

PS: I love this diary stuff: "Heissgeliebtes Tagebuch, heute war ein wirklich spannender Tag. Ich dachte es waere so warm wie gestern und die Sonne wuerde scheinen, aber irgendwie war dem nicht so...Graublaue Schleier vernebelten den Himmel und hinderten das Licht am bescheinen meiner Visage...etc.etc.Bis bald, liebes Tagebuch, dein(e) XYZ."

Up next: A new Poll, perhaps the first part of a story and then we`ll see. Bye.


Stephan Wolschon said...

Heh, what about part 2? You have to wait for your new flatmate(s)? ;)

Anonymous said...

I would like to post something like that about the people i'm living with but if I do I might not wake up back in the morning. I´m not talking about being choked during my sleep but more about them sending their past demons to put me in the same situation as they are now and that is worst than death... I think they are already hearing my thought. Let's watch TV to blurry the tracks.

Anonymous said...

A) Yes, I have to wait for my new flatmate to describe him...I could start right now, but then again, what fun would that be...?

B) Hehe, but this is what the internet is bit voyeurism, one bit risk, confidential informations released... and the people never get sick of it...
anyway, since now i have some kind of regular visitors,
C) I think that i will try to update this blog a bit more often.
cya all,
.oO(I need this *&%?$!!! Laptop)