Ok, I admit that apparently my last question was a bit tricky.
Jade, as you can see below,
answered twice Chapa de Costas.
What is Chapa de Costas?
The Chapa de Costas is a Capoeira movement (more popular with the angola style), which looks like this:

the Rabo de Arraia, which was a hidden hint and looks like that:

So, that hint was pointing toward Capoeira, True.
Both other participants, stephan and sami,
opted for the Chamada. The Chamada is actually part of the Capoeira training, and as soon
as one can play in the Roda, he or she must be prepared to be challenged by a chamada.
we all agree that all the hints somehow pointed towards Capoeira,
like Axé!, but Stephan answered that well so I won't explain more here.
The problem is only that I asked for a specific part of Capoeira, which, sorry to say that, has a lot to do with Capoeira but is NOT Capoeira:
The correct Answer would have been:
Maculélé is not very known, not even amongst the people who make Capoeira, and is MUCH more dangerous, because the people are using sticks and/or Machetes...within the fast pace of the Capoeira movements.
Here's the Wiki link.
So, no one had the right answer...
I know that wiki and google didn't really make a good connection between capoeira and maculele, but actually, the link between both sports is , I think, quite like i described it.
But anyway, I'm gonna give away some points:
Jade: +3
Stephan: +5
Sami: +5
Sorry Jade, but they were a bit closer...next time better luck!