GO and see this film! Allez voir ce film! Geht und guckt euch diesen Film an!

Ok, the story about two cops who can't stand each other but have to solve a crime together is not really new, but what counts is the way it's done.
And it's done pretty perfectly. The actors are great, to start with, the script is excellent even if bilingual (main language is French - Quebecian French - with some English parts which have French subtitles).
Well, what's it about? A guy is found dead with one part of his body in Quebec, the other part in Ontario, so the authorities decide to solve the case together. Obviously there's a lunatic strollin' around killing people because they are selling Hockey Teams (basically, I don't want to spoil you the movie).
The movie is suspenseful, well shot, offers some nice footage of Toronto and Montreal, and hilariously funny.
Here's my review:
Camera: 8/ 10
Sound and Music: 7/ 10
Story (lacking creativity but very well done): 8/10
Actors: 9/10
The Infamous Matrixdancer Factor (for beeing in Canada, seeing how the movie plays with the clichees, and sensitively strikes on the little tensions between Quebec and Ontario, and the wonderful dialogues in quebecian French and English): 10/10
Total Score: 42/50
So, if you have nothing to do, go see the movie. You'll learn some nice things about Canada....Tabernacle!
A trailer is available here: Trailer
Ich habe keine Ahnung, ob dieser Film auch in Deutschland erscheinen wird, und falls ja wann, aber ernsthaft, viel Sinn gäbe das sowieso nicht (leider), denn entweder müsste man die Story angleichen (ein ostdeutscher Polizist und ein westdeutscher versuchen einen Mordfall zu klären - was, das gabs schon, und ist ausserdem noch ziemlich doof? egal), oder aber viel von dem Humor ginge verloren. Mein Tipp also: auf französisch gucken, wenn man auch nur bissl französisch kann, lohnt sich der Film schonmal.
Bis bald, werte Leserschaft.
Macht mal was kulturelles! Äusserst wichtig, bildet ungemein und erheitert auch bei trübem wetter.
cu, µ
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