Saturday, October 28, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Meine kleine süße!
Meine kleine süße Maus,
ich schreibe Dir diesen blogeintrag, da mir klargeworden ist, daß wir nicht zueinander passen. Unsere Beziehung war kurz, das gebe ich gerne zu, aber äußerst intensiv und leider, das musst Du zugeben, von Mißverständnissen geprägt.
Weiterhin trugen Deine offensichtliche Taubheit und auch Deine Dir unter Umständen noch nicht aufgefallene, an Blindheit grenzende Kurzsichtigkeit nicht zur Klärung unserer Differenzen bei.
Auch bin ich eine Person, die ein Mindestmaß an Privatsphäre für sich beansprucht und nicht sonderlich gut mit mangelnder Toleranz umgehen kann. Diesbezüglich war ich Dir ja schon weit entgegengekommen: Deine penetranten Geräusche des Nachts, Deine rituellen Grabearbeiten sowie Dein ungewöhnlicher Tag-Nachtrythmus störten mich eigentlich schon, nur brachte ich dies nie zum Ausdruck.
Heute hingegen, als Du des Morgens meinem Kleiderschrank entstiegst, meine empörten Zurückweisungen tapfer ignoriertest und statt dessen unerschrocken anfingst, mein Zimmer zu erschnuppern, hast Du eine Grenze überschritten, die Du besser nie betreten hättest.
Deine fantastischen Sprung-und Kletterfähigkeiten hast Du hervorragend unter Beweis gestellt, wie auch Deine offensichtliche Niedlichkeit.
es schmerzt mich dies zu sagen,
Ich ekle mich ein wenig vor Dir.
Du stinkst!!! Ich weiss, Du kannst nichts dafür, aber wir passen nun einmal nicht zusammen.
Bedenke auch den enormen Grössenunterschied!
Ausserdem hattest du bei Wikipedia angegeben, daß Du lichtscheu währst, eine Aussage, die Du im Blitzlicht meines Fotoapparates effizient wiederlegtest.
(Mal ganz abgesehen davon, daß einige behaupten, Du würdest Krankheiten übertragen.)
In Anbetracht all dieser Widrigkeiten, scheint es mir das beste, unsere Beziehung so schnell wie möglich für immer zu beenden.
Hasta la Vista, Baby!

Und hier noch eins, weil's so schön war:
ich schreibe Dir diesen blogeintrag, da mir klargeworden ist, daß wir nicht zueinander passen. Unsere Beziehung war kurz, das gebe ich gerne zu, aber äußerst intensiv und leider, das musst Du zugeben, von Mißverständnissen geprägt.
Weiterhin trugen Deine offensichtliche Taubheit und auch Deine Dir unter Umständen noch nicht aufgefallene, an Blindheit grenzende Kurzsichtigkeit nicht zur Klärung unserer Differenzen bei.
Auch bin ich eine Person, die ein Mindestmaß an Privatsphäre für sich beansprucht und nicht sonderlich gut mit mangelnder Toleranz umgehen kann. Diesbezüglich war ich Dir ja schon weit entgegengekommen: Deine penetranten Geräusche des Nachts, Deine rituellen Grabearbeiten sowie Dein ungewöhnlicher Tag-Nachtrythmus störten mich eigentlich schon, nur brachte ich dies nie zum Ausdruck.
Heute hingegen, als Du des Morgens meinem Kleiderschrank entstiegst, meine empörten Zurückweisungen tapfer ignoriertest und statt dessen unerschrocken anfingst, mein Zimmer zu erschnuppern, hast Du eine Grenze überschritten, die Du besser nie betreten hättest.
Deine fantastischen Sprung-und Kletterfähigkeiten hast Du hervorragend unter Beweis gestellt, wie auch Deine offensichtliche Niedlichkeit.
es schmerzt mich dies zu sagen,
Ich ekle mich ein wenig vor Dir.
Du stinkst!!! Ich weiss, Du kannst nichts dafür, aber wir passen nun einmal nicht zusammen.
Bedenke auch den enormen Grössenunterschied!
Ausserdem hattest du bei Wikipedia angegeben, daß Du lichtscheu währst, eine Aussage, die Du im Blitzlicht meines Fotoapparates effizient wiederlegtest.
(Mal ganz abgesehen davon, daß einige behaupten, Du würdest Krankheiten übertragen.)
In Anbetracht all dieser Widrigkeiten, scheint es mir das beste, unsere Beziehung so schnell wie möglich für immer zu beenden.
Hasta la Vista, Baby!

Und hier noch eins, weil's so schön war:

Friday, October 20, 2006
Why I love TM, TMS, TMN and TMSE.
Ok. Why do I like games? Because they give me extraordinary emotions. That said, I love Nadeo.
Why do I love Nadeo?
Simple, they made Trackmania. And Trackmania Sunrise. And Trackmania Nations. And Trackmania Sunrise Exxxtreme. And soon, they are going to sell Trackmania United.
That said, I love Trackmania.
Why do I love Trackmania?
Simple, it's one of the best games ever. It pushes creativity. It's very well done in technical terms.
It's special. The community is extremely nice, but you'll find that soon out for yourself. Since pictures can tell more than words, watch. Just some things to explain: The guys driving in the movies are very skilled, the car models are mostly custom made, and the music as well. Ah and yes, I don't like the copy protection. Have fun.
Why do I love Nadeo?
Simple, they made Trackmania. And Trackmania Sunrise. And Trackmania Nations. And Trackmania Sunrise Exxxtreme. And soon, they are going to sell Trackmania United.
That said, I love Trackmania.
Why do I love Trackmania?
Simple, it's one of the best games ever. It pushes creativity. It's very well done in technical terms.
It's special. The community is extremely nice, but you'll find that soon out for yourself. Since pictures can tell more than words, watch. Just some things to explain: The guys driving in the movies are very skilled, the car models are mostly custom made, and the music as well. Ah and yes, I don't like the copy protection. Have fun.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Round 5. Solutions, and a break.
Good evening! So, round 4 is over. To make a long story short, this time, more people then ever (...well..some people more) took part.
You'll find their names in the comment section of the previous post.
The correct answer was:
The world is ours. (!?...marks at the end as you like)
Simple, eh?
Apparently, the question for the site was difficult for some, but I accept every answer that included a sceptic view of things. The correct answer, which I had in mind, was www.skepdic.com, a very cool site! The answer to question number three was entropy. And the best overall performance was shown by Sami.
Anyway, I had a request for doing a quiz about music...and I think I'll do it...and furthermore, I had also the correct answers by ICQ by an old friend of mine, who goes by the name of Enigma, but he doesn't take part in the competition. I thought I'd just mention him here in case he continues reading this blog.
So....Congratulations to all participants!! I hope you had some fun! Let's move over to the point awarding sequence.
Markus: +5 for participation, +3 for some correct answers
Antoine: +5 for participation, +2 for some correct answers, but with less explanation and reading fun
Sami: +10 for the exact (nearly:-) ) answer and exhaustive explanation.
Jade: +5 for some correct letters and suggesting a musique-quiz
Stephan: +9 for the exact answer (nearly:-) ) but less explanation.
Giancarlo: +0 for ...what the heck is that? This is so weird, I decided to take it in. It's no one that I would recognize, anyway.
Let's see who has how many points:
Sami: 30 Pts.
Stephan: 26 Pts.
Jade: 12 Pts.
Markus: 8 Pts.
Antoine: 7 Pts.
thePumba: 1 Pts.
Manu: 1 Pts.
Christine: 1 Pts.
A very special ~+9 Pts. award goes out to Mr. Snakes.
Please note: I'm not very good at calculating stuff, so if you see a mistake, just go ahead and tell me. Right now, everyone still has the chance to win! Even people who are starting now to take part. With that in mind, I think that all of you merited a break and a bit of motivation.
In case you were wondering what the prizes you are working so hard for are, here you go:
1. A DVD! The DVD will be selected by me according to whom has won the quiz.
2. A CD! The CD will be selected as well by me according to whom has won the tournament.
Prizes 3 to 5 are the equivalent of a Mokkacino or another beverage which comes out from our 'coffee'-machine.
Okay! Ready for Round 5?
here it is, only one question, simple to answer, no more hints will be given away:
Explain the hat of the pope.
*hehe...you didn't expect that, right?*
(I'm pretty sure that I might burn in one of the nine hells for asking that, and thinking that the answer is funny.)
Ah yes...I was working very hard on a very huge project for a very long time, so I excuse myself for not updating this blog. Today I went to the biodome, and I took some pictures too...which I will upload soon:-)
Have Fun! (and be wild.)
You'll find their names in the comment section of the previous post.
The correct answer was:
The world is ours. (!?...marks at the end as you like)
Simple, eh?
Apparently, the question for the site was difficult for some, but I accept every answer that included a sceptic view of things. The correct answer, which I had in mind, was www.skepdic.com, a very cool site! The answer to question number three was entropy. And the best overall performance was shown by Sami.
Anyway, I had a request for doing a quiz about music...and I think I'll do it...and furthermore, I had also the correct answers by ICQ by an old friend of mine, who goes by the name of Enigma, but he doesn't take part in the competition. I thought I'd just mention him here in case he continues reading this blog.
So....Congratulations to all participants!! I hope you had some fun! Let's move over to the point awarding sequence.
Markus: +5 for participation, +3 for some correct answers
Antoine: +5 for participation, +2 for some correct answers, but with less explanation and reading fun
Sami: +10 for the exact (nearly:-) ) answer and exhaustive explanation.
Jade: +5 for some correct letters and suggesting a musique-quiz
Stephan: +9 for the exact answer (nearly:-) ) but less explanation.
Giancarlo: +0 for ...what the heck is that? This is so weird, I decided to take it in. It's no one that I would recognize, anyway.
Let's see who has how many points:
Sami: 30 Pts.
Stephan: 26 Pts.
Jade: 12 Pts.
Markus: 8 Pts.
Antoine: 7 Pts.
thePumba: 1 Pts.
Manu: 1 Pts.
Christine: 1 Pts.
A very special ~+9 Pts. award goes out to Mr. Snakes.
Please note: I'm not very good at calculating stuff, so if you see a mistake, just go ahead and tell me. Right now, everyone still has the chance to win! Even people who are starting now to take part. With that in mind, I think that all of you merited a break and a bit of motivation.
In case you were wondering what the prizes you are working so hard for are, here you go:
1. A DVD! The DVD will be selected by me according to whom has won the quiz.
2. A CD! The CD will be selected as well by me according to whom has won the tournament.
Prizes 3 to 5 are the equivalent of a Mokkacino or another beverage which comes out from our 'coffee'-machine.
Okay! Ready for Round 5?
here it is, only one question, simple to answer, no more hints will be given away:
Explain the hat of the pope.
*hehe...you didn't expect that, right?*
(I'm pretty sure that I might burn in one of the nine hells for asking that, and thinking that the answer is funny.)
Ah yes...I was working very hard on a very huge project for a very long time, so I excuse myself for not updating this blog. Today I went to the biodome, and I took some pictures too...which I will upload soon:-)
Have Fun! (and be wild.)
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