(Means 'hello' to normal and semi-normal people, probably like you...but then again, would you be reading this blog?)
Ok, I'll make this short and as less painful as possible:
Your menue for this Blog-Post consists of:
-The solution for the quiz round 5, yup I didn't forget it;-)
-A movie review
-and various other stupid stuff wrapped in a smart-hull to make you all excited about it until it's too late and you have read it all.Har.
-A movie review
-and various other stupid stuff wrapped in a smart-hull to make you all excited about it until it's too late and you have read it all.Har.
So, the solution for the last question ('Explain the hat of the pope')is pretty simple.
Of course the pope has several hats, but I was referring to the double-horned mitre.
Actually that's a remembrance to the worship of the ancient mesopotamian (though not limited to this region)'Fish-god' Dagon. (H.P.Lovecraft derived his 'Dagon' creature from that one...Yup, I know that Milton also had influence in that)
Anyway, the priests of the Dagon apparently used to wear outfits which made them ressemble fish, and when christianity arrived, they just took over that fashion.
(Can be seen on TV today.)
Here's a link to Dagon.And here's one to that hat stuff.
And here are some pics;-)
Let's start with Dagon;-)

And here's the pope, and some bishops. I think that that makes my point pretty clear...
So...I think that the guy below is pretty ubiquitous. Period.

That said...I give 10 out of 10 radioactively glowing Desert Eagle .50AE rounds to the movie
My goodness, that's the action movie of the year!
When writing this I realized that less enthusiastic people might just foolishly ask as to why in fact that hard-boiled sonofab**** of a flick was so darn good.
So read on, to witness the core components of a damn good action flick.
1.) Jason Statham. This guy has a face you will remember, and he delivers the credibility needed for most of the roles he assumed until now, especially in that movie where he is hitman who got poisoned in his sleep. This man delivers the pack and the punch the script was asking for. In this movie he is the perfect cast for a maniac lunatic on a trip through L.A.
2.) Action that kicks balls. No CGI or wires were apparently used for that movie (I wonder how they shot the last scene, though...) and the very violent scenes which are underlined by a heavy kick-ass soundtrack are shot in a really rough way, and one can really feel the testosterone rushing...which is exactly what such flicks should do.
3.) Lots of innocent bystanders. That makes the scenery more lush:-) (as well as the well placed DEagles in combination with the innocent bystanders...)
4.) Hilariously funny sequences...(If you never saw a half-naked guy in a hospital trench driving down a highway on a stolen police motorbike waving his unshaved ass at every corner, that movie's for you:-) )
and all that sums up to a wonderful tour de force through L.A., shown by a sick hitman out for a vengeance. That movie is truly "manly, Magnum-size".
Here are some links, with trailers and stuff. Enjoy, and do yourself a favor and watch this.
Official site
Yay, the best things here:
A short scene from the beginning of the movie (17 secs) which shows IMHO very well the style of it all, and another short clip, which just might spoil you a bit. So the second one is only recommended if you are really still not sure you want to see it.
A short scene from the beginning of the movie (17 secs) which shows IMHO very well the style of it all, and another short clip, which just might spoil you a bit. So the second one is only recommended if you are really still not sure you want to see it.
Cya soon. The stupid stuff? Well, its somewhere up there.