Wednesday, December 13, 2006


(Means 'hello' to normal and semi-normal people, probably like you...but then again, would you be reading this blog?)

Ok, I'll make this short and as less painful as possible:
Your menue for this Blog-Post consists of:
-The solution for the quiz round 5, yup I didn't forget it;-)
-A movie review
-and various other stupid stuff wrapped in a smart-hull to make you all excited about it until it's too late and you have read it all.Har.

So, the solution for the last question ('Explain the hat of the pope')is pretty simple.
Of course the pope has several hats, but I was referring to the double-horned mitre.
Actually that's a remembrance to the worship of the ancient mesopotamian (though not limited to this region)'Fish-god' Dagon. (H.P.Lovecraft derived his 'Dagon' creature from that one...Yup, I know that Milton also had influence in that)
Anyway, the priests of the Dagon apparently used to wear outfits which made them ressemble fish, and when christianity arrived, they just took over that fashion.
(Can be seen on TV today.)
Here's a link to Dagon.
And here's one to that hat stuff.
And here are some pics;-)
Let's start with Dagon;-)
And here's the pope, and some bishops. I think that that makes my point pretty clear...

So...I think that the guy below is pretty ubiquitous. Period.

Next time up on this blog: who got the really right answer. If you can't wait, scroll down to the comments of Sami and Stephan, and read who was right. By the way, I'm open for suggestions concerning the amount of points to give.

That said...I give 10 out of 10 radioactively glowing Desert Eagle .50AE rounds to the movie
My goodness, that's the action movie of the year!
When writing this I realized that less enthusiastic people might just foolishly ask as to why in fact that hard-boiled sonofab**** of a flick was so darn good.
So read on, to witness the core components of a damn good action flick.

1.) Jason Statham. This guy has a face you will remember, and he delivers the credibility needed for most of the roles he assumed until now, especially in that movie where he is hitman who got poisoned in his sleep. This man delivers the pack and the punch the script was asking for. In this movie he is the perfect cast for a maniac lunatic on a trip through L.A.

2.) Action that kicks balls. No CGI or wires were apparently used for that movie (I wonder how they shot the last scene, though...) and the very violent scenes which are underlined by a heavy kick-ass soundtrack are shot in a really rough way, and one can really feel the testosterone rushing...which is exactly what such flicks should do.

3.) Lots of innocent bystanders. That makes the scenery more lush:-) (as well as the well placed DEagles in combination with the innocent bystanders...)

4.) Hilariously funny sequences...(If you never saw a half-naked guy in a hospital trench driving down a highway on a stolen police motorbike waving his unshaved ass at every corner, that movie's for you:-) )

and all that sums up to a wonderful tour de force through L.A., shown by a sick hitman out for a vengeance. That movie is truly "manly, Magnum-size".
Here are some links, with trailers and stuff. Enjoy, and do yourself a favor and watch this.
Official site

Yay, the best things here:
A short scene from the beginning of the movie (17 secs) which shows IMHO very well the style of it all, and another short clip, which just might spoil you a bit. So the second one is only recommended if you are really still not sure you want to see it.

Cya soon. The stupid stuff? Well, its somewhere up there.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

So you like Wii, huh?

I know you like the Wii.
I like the Wii too...but....maybe the phenomenal success this chubby/funky little machine got is also due to the wisdom of Nintendos superiors to drop the following gameconcepts. Muahaha:-)

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Snow... (which can be actually called snow, some days before, it was more like icy rain.)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Meine kleine süße!

Meine kleine süße Maus,

ich schreibe Dir diesen blogeintrag, da mir klargeworden ist, daß wir nicht zueinander passen. Unsere Beziehung war kurz, das gebe ich gerne zu, aber äußerst intensiv und leider, das musst Du zugeben, von Mißverständnissen geprägt.
Weiterhin trugen Deine offensichtliche Taubheit und auch Deine Dir unter Umständen noch nicht aufgefallene, an Blindheit grenzende Kurzsichtigkeit nicht zur Klärung unserer Differenzen bei.
Auch bin ich eine Person, die ein Mindestmaß an Privatsphäre für sich beansprucht und nicht sonderlich gut mit mangelnder Toleranz umgehen kann. Diesbezüglich war ich Dir ja schon weit entgegengekommen: Deine penetranten Geräusche des Nachts, Deine rituellen Grabearbeiten sowie Dein ungewöhnlicher Tag-Nachtrythmus störten mich eigentlich schon, nur brachte ich dies nie zum Ausdruck.

Heute hingegen, als Du des Morgens meinem Kleiderschrank entstiegst, meine empörten Zurückweisungen tapfer ignoriertest und statt dessen unerschrocken anfingst, mein Zimmer zu erschnuppern, hast Du eine Grenze überschritten, die Du besser nie betreten hättest.

Deine fantastischen Sprung-und Kletterfähigkeiten hast Du hervorragend unter Beweis gestellt, wie auch Deine offensichtliche Niedlichkeit.
es schmerzt mich dies zu sagen,
Ich ekle mich ein wenig vor Dir.
Du stinkst!!! Ich weiss, Du kannst nichts dafür, aber wir passen nun einmal nicht zusammen.
Bedenke auch den enormen Grössenunterschied!
Ausserdem hattest du bei Wikipedia angegeben, daß Du lichtscheu währst, eine Aussage, die Du im Blitzlicht meines Fotoapparates effizient wiederlegtest.

(Mal ganz abgesehen davon, daß einige behaupten, Du würdest Krankheiten übertragen.)
In Anbetracht all dieser Widrigkeiten, scheint es mir das beste, unsere Beziehung so schnell wie möglich für immer zu beenden.

Hasta la Vista, Baby!

Und hier noch eins, weil's so schön war:

Friday, October 20, 2006

Why I love TM, TMS, TMN and TMSE.

Ok. Why do I like games? Because they give me extraordinary emotions. That said, I love Nadeo.
Why do I love Nadeo?
Simple, they made Trackmania. And Trackmania Sunrise. And Trackmania Nations. And Trackmania Sunrise Exxxtreme. And soon, they are going to sell Trackmania United.
That said, I love Trackmania.
Why do I love Trackmania?
Simple, it's one of the best games ever. It pushes creativity. It's very well done in technical terms.
It's special. The community is extremely nice, but you'll find that soon out for yourself. Since pictures can tell more than words, watch. Just some things to explain: The guys driving in the movies are very skilled, the car models are mostly custom made, and the music as well. Ah and yes, I don't like the copy protection. Have fun.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Round 5. Solutions, and a break.

Good evening! So, round 4 is over. To make a long story short, this time, more people then ever (...well..some people more) took part.
You'll find their names in the comment section of the previous post.

The correct answer was:

The world is ours. (!?...marks at the end as you like)

Simple, eh?

Apparently, the question for the site was difficult for some, but I accept every answer that included a sceptic view of things. The correct answer, which I had in mind, was, a very cool site! The answer to question number three was entropy. And the best overall performance was shown by Sami.
Anyway, I had a request for doing a quiz about music...and I think I'll do it...and furthermore, I had also the correct answers by ICQ by an old friend of mine, who goes by the name of Enigma, but he doesn't take part in the competition. I thought I'd just mention him here in case he continues reading this blog.
So....Congratulations to all participants!! I hope you had some fun! Let's move over to the point awarding sequence.

Markus: +5 for participation, +3 for some correct answers

Antoine: +5 for participation, +2 for some correct answers, but with less explanation and reading fun

Sami: +10 for the exact (nearly:-) ) answer and exhaustive explanation.

Jade: +5 for some correct letters and suggesting a musique-quiz

Stephan: +9 for the exact answer (nearly:-) ) but less explanation.

Giancarlo: +0 for ...what the heck is that? This is so weird, I decided to take it in. It's no one that I would recognize, anyway.

Let's see who has how many points:
Sami: 30 Pts.
Stephan: 26 Pts.
Jade: 12 Pts.
Markus: 8 Pts.
Antoine: 7 Pts.
thePumba: 1 Pts.
Manu: 1 Pts.
Christine: 1 Pts.

A very special ~+9 Pts. award goes out to Mr. Snakes.
Please note: I'm not very good at calculating stuff, so if you see a mistake, just go ahead and tell me. Right now, everyone still has the chance to win! Even people who are starting now to take part. With that in mind, I think that all of you merited a break and a bit of motivation.
In case you were wondering what the prizes you are working so hard for are, here you go:

1. A DVD! The DVD will be selected by me according to whom has won the quiz.
2. A CD! The CD will be selected as well by me according to whom has won the tournament.
Prizes 3 to 5 are the equivalent of a Mokkacino or another beverage which comes out from our 'coffee'-machine.

Okay! Ready for Round 5?
here it is, only one question, simple to answer, no more hints will be given away:

Explain the hat of the pope.

* didn't expect that, right?*
(I'm pretty sure that I might burn in one of the nine hells for asking that, and thinking that the answer is funny.)

Ah yes...I was working very hard on a very huge project for a very long time, so I excuse myself for not updating this blog. Today I went to the biodome, and I took some pictures too...which I will upload soon:-)
Have Fun! (and be wild.)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Round 4 - The ongoing challenge continues!

Heya folks! It's been quite a while, but now I have a new thinky-pinky task for you.
This time, it's gonna be more or less simple, answering might just take some time.

This time I'm asking for a phrase. This phrase has four words (punctuation not included), and 14 letters, without the spaces. For every letter, there's a hint.
Of course the letters are not going to be mixed up, but anyway, the phrase is in English (no need to use that old greek-schoolbook of yours again) and so it should be quite easy-piecey lemon sqeezy.

1) The First Letter of the main/most famous work of Laurence Sterne (The common name, not the whole title)

2)The Egyptian hieroglyph 'fence' became that letter

3)The second law of thermodynamics treats a nice word which has caused quite some trouble to some scientifics, well the first letter of the laws subject

4)Famous Movie - title includes fish and a girls name...first letter of the girls name

5)The 'law of silence', believed to be particularly respected in Sicily...First letter

6)A kind of hair color (poetic), also the english non-scientific name of a bird...First letter

7)Famous TV-station based in Quatar with a significant logo. Means translated to english 'The Island'...2nd letter of the first word.

8)The stupidest man of the year 2006...First letter of his First name.

9) The Picture on the right shows a detail of a gate-------->
...the First letter of the name of the gate (Happy hunting:-) )

10)The probably most famous epic movie trilogy which now has 6 parts and the biggest merchandise probably ever plus some of the weirdest, nicest, and most fanatic/frantic fans ever seen...First letter.
Nearly done!!!

11)'cDc' is short for a famous group...2 letter of the last word

12)Introversion did a computer game (great, by the way)...first letter of the name of the game

13)The logo of the enterprise Hoyt is an apple. Incidentally, the stuff hoyt makes (at least one model) was used in a movie which is very famous (and believed to be very violent)...The name of the movie is as well one sort of pick your poison, first letter of the movie(s) or the apples.

14) Finally!!! The name of the site where you can find informations ( I mean: INFORMATION) about UFOs, Rael and the Raelians, Sasquatch, scapulimancy and lots of other weird stuff...also featuring a professor and quite often, the famous Randi...and it's not the wikipedia! First letter of the name of the site (after the www.)

So, you're done! Please post the correct answer sentence as well as your individual solutions:-) Tell me how you liked it. Have fun and cya soon!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Good Morning!
Quizz round three is over! Cool, eh?
So, what was all that about?
First, the question was to decipher. Then, to find the link between the hints, and then, to find the correct answer.

Ok, the patterns used for the question were:
According to some study, it doesn't matter where you put the letters of a word in spelling a word, so I messed up the position of the letters. Example: 'Easy' would have become 'Syea'.
I looked at the result and decided it was too easy. So I used a second pattern: I substituted some letters with numbers and or signs. 'Easy' would have become 'Sy3@'.

But it was still too easy, so I played a bit with duplicating randomly letters, and writing some in uppercase and others in lowercase. So finally 'Easy' might have read something like '5Y3@'.
This was enough pseudo-coding for the question.
Here's the complete translation of my question: (in good english, I made some spelling mistakes as well:-)...on purpose, of course)

Actually, this time I decided to crypt the question.
So, the question asks for a language in way of exxxtinction (read extinction):-):
HINT: Also the name of people, also menaced by extinction.
Easy hints: The first is so distinctive, it's so exclusive, you can't miss it!
Once you got that, it's easy to get the 2nd...think desert.

Still with me? Fine. So lets resume the stuff:
-Language in way of extinction
-Language name = People's name in way of extinction
-Something with a desert. And lot's of funny exclamation marks.
-Something very exclusive. make a long story short: the desert and the exclamation marks were probably the best hints. A short search on google along with a bit of....creative thinking...should have gotten you to a point, where you know that there are a lot of endangered languages and people on this world,
but the right solution(s) are:
The people of the !Kung, !Khoi, !khoikhoi!, San and !Khoisan. And their language...which has basically the same name.
Those people have in common that they were all refered to as 'bushmen' , live in and next to the Kalahari, and that their languages (which differ from !kung, which uses a grammar similar to Bantu, to !Khoisan, which uses an aglutinating grammar) have in common that they include
'Click-sounds'. Those Click-sounds are described in phonetics with the help of exclamation marks, points, and --.
So here are the 'rewards' for the participants:
-Jade +3 for participating
-Stephan +7 for the right solution after the additional hint
-Sami +3 for 'nearly' the right solution before the additional hint, and
-Sami +7 for the right solution after the additional hint and beeing the first to correctly decipher the question. Sami also was not saying that it was too hard, that pays:-)
I have to go to work now...But this post isn't finished yet. there are some links to come, the red/green scheme for better understanding and much of my knowledge about the San (which was used in a pejorative way, but lacking better descriptions...well..check back tomorrow morning, when the 'News' should be up.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

To keep you bisy: Kwiss #3

Aktua77y, dis mite I cideded 70 KRYPT da kwestion.

50, 7eh noqutie5 5@K s rof a gu7@NaG3 1N awy fo 3XXXtcoitnN:

HINT: olsa 7h3 mena f0 P307pe, sloa M3n@C3D yb nxtoin3C7.

3asY nhits: 'The first is so distinctive, it's so exclusive, you !K a!.N!t !.m--.! it!
Once you got that, it's easy to teg het 2nd...NthIK Desert.

have fun and happy posting:-)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Solution to Quiz Round 2

Good evening!
Ok, I admit that apparently my last question was a bit tricky.
Jade, as you can see below,
answered twice Chapa de Costas.
What is Chapa de Costas?
The Chapa de Costas is a Capoeira movement (more popular with the angola style), which looks like this:
And indeed, it's a dangerous movement, as is
the Rabo de Arraia, which was a hidden hint and looks like that:(it's a spin kick.)

So, that hint was pointing toward Capoeira, True.
Both other participants, stephan and sami,
opted for the Chamada. The Chamada is actually part of the Capoeira training, and as soon
as one can play in the Roda, he or she must be prepared to be challenged by a chamada.
we all agree that all the hints somehow pointed towards Capoeira,
like Axé!, but Stephan answered that well so I won't explain more here.

The problem is only that I asked for a specific part of Capoeira, which, sorry to say that, has a lot to do with Capoeira but is NOT Capoeira:

The correct Answer would have been:

Maculélé is not very known, not even amongst the people who make Capoeira, and is MUCH more dangerous, because the people are using sticks and/or Machetes...within the fast pace of the Capoeira movements.
Here's the Wiki link.
So, no one had the right answer...
I know that wiki and google didn't really make a good connection between capoeira and maculele, but actually, the link between both sports is , I think, quite like i described it.
But anyway, I'm gonna give away some points:
Jade: +3
Stephan: +5
Sami: +5
Sorry Jade, but they were a bit time better luck!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Le Quiz, Round 2

Welcome to the second round!
First of all, thanks to all people who participated.
Let's see who's leading the scores:
Since this is the first round, I also gave away points to people who didn't answer the question, but showed ...'interest'.
Stephan: Correct answer, 5 Points (because of the first round)
Sami: Same, 5 Points
Jade, Christine, Manu and thePumba: 1 Point, for the interest.
The correct answer was of course,
Le manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse by Jan Graf Potocki.
This book is excellent, if you have the possibility to read a copy, go ahead and try it.
Also: there's a movie from 1965, which is of course shortening a bit the book, but still is one of my favourite movies. It's a bit lengthy(175 min), though, so take your time when watching it and be awake. You can find more info on the movie here.
Go and watch the movie, if you can, it's definitively worth it.
So, let's head to the second round!
This question asks for a part of an Religion/Sport/Ritual, and will be up for 2 - 4 days.
Here are the hints:
-This part is not very known, not even amongst practicants of the sport
-It's the most dangerous part of the sport
-The Sport/Ritual/Religion is unique (worldwide), and gains slowly a bigger popularity
-It's very demanding to take part in this sport...
-The effectiveness of this Religion/Sport/Ritual was tested in a (sort of) war
and here, as always, the hidden hint:

-The beginning and ending of a normal training session involves saying the name (when written down) of a famous desodorant
-Rabo de Arraia

Please take care: the question does not ask for the name of the sport, but a specific part of it!Well, I hope this is not too difficult:-)Else, I will perhaps post more hints.
Happy riddling!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

News (1)

Good Morning Everybody!
Tonight, or tomorrow morning,
the next question of the quiz will start.

I changed my preferences so that I have to approve all new comments,
so that the people taking part in the quiz won't be discouraged if someone was faster than them.

(I hope this is working, else we will have to go to mail the answers...which is a bit too much effort, if you ask me.)

@Manu: That's the quiz, Christine is convinced that Stephan forgot something in his answer.
We'll see about all that either tonight, or tomorrow.

I'm going to work now, need coffee.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Due to the extraordinary high amount of people participating at the quiz (1 person),
I decided to make / start a new quiz round. The rules are now much more elaborate, as follows:

  • -The quiz goes on for 10 - 15 questions (either 10 or 15!)
  • -You can answer every question until the next question is up
  • -Every question will be up for approximately 2-4 days (depending on how much time i have, how many people answered already and how many answers were right)
  • -Even if you are not sure about an answer, just post what you think is right (see next rule)
  • -Every answer will get points on a scale from 0 - 10. (0 is a plainly wrong answer, 10 is an extraordinary well written answer which is correct. Answers which are not correct may get points too, for example if they are "close" to the correct answer)
  • -The winner will be the one with most points
  • -Only one answer per person
  • -This is a private quiz and thus you cannot apply any laws except mine to it, if you're not happy, go away and whine.
  • -Answers are accepted in English, French and German.
  • -You may ask for a translation of the question
  • -the correct answer will be put up when the next question is put up.
  • -There will be a prize for the happy winner (apart from the fame:-) ). This prize will be determined by me, and if the winner comes from abroad, send by post to his adress. The Prize is secret, but it's!
  • -If at the end of the quiz there are multiple persons with the same amount of points, the prize will either be splitted or a tie question posted. the one with the correct answer posted first will then win the tie (like sudden death.)

So, ready to compete? Warm up your brains, since this is a hard quiz, and I mean it!
Ok. The correct answer for last week was "Ultraviolet" or "Ultraviolette", but since the rules were not up last week, Stephan doesn't win anything; not even points. Sorry.

So here's the first question:

This question asks about a book.
Those are the hints:
-The narrative structure/narration style is similar to 1001 nights
-Takes basically place in spain
-The genesis of the book is nearly as amazing as the book itself
-It's quite famous

And here is the top-secret-hidden hint:

-the Author is said to have committed suicide by shooting himself with a silver bullet, which he had filed/rasped until it fitted in his pistol.

Think you found everything? score points by adding the authors name and the year of first publishing to your post! have fun!
Answers go down here, to the comments.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Der erste richtig langweilige Eintrag in diesen blog.

This Blog-entry in French and English.

Also, momentan hab ich nur bissle kosmetik am blog vorgenommen,
leider arbeite ich im Moment ganz schön, was heisst leider, is ja ok,
aber für eventuelle besucher ist das eben doof weil ich nimmer zum updaten komme.
Naja, dafür hab ich die link und blogsection geupdated , über diese links müssten alle eigentlich immer gut informiert bleiben.
Gestern abend war ich auf einem Coldplay -cover band event in St.Jerome, war ganz lustig, diese coldplay gruppe scheint ja irgendwie doch wichtig zu sein...vielleicht haben die sogar fans...(und ja, das ist ein witz gewesen und ja, ich bezog mich auf das original, nicht die coverer)...
Das eigentliche Ziel der Aktion war ja, Timothée, der heute wieder fährt, und vermutlich gerade im Flugzeug schläft, soviel Alk einzuflößen, daß er eine nette Erinnerung an Quebec behält (aufmerksame Leser wissen dass dies mal wieder eine Anspielung war...hehe), was uns vermutlich auch geglückt ist.
Ebenfalls vermutlich ist es wohl ab und an doch ganz gut, dass ich keinen Fotoapparat habe, sonst würden nämlich heute hier einige weit weniger freundliche fotos des gestrigen Gelages stehen, als diejenigen, die wiederum vermutlich baldigst auf einem der oben erwähnten blogs zu finden sein werden.

Die musikalische Untermalung für das schreiben dieses eintrags war übrigens Pepe et sa guitare, ein sogenannter Lokalmatador.

Ach und noch ne neuerung: Le Quiz!
Die erste Frage fragt nach einem Film.
Hier die Hinweise:
-Auf dem Plakat sind (pseudo-)thailändische Buchstaben auf einer Klinge zu sehen
-Basiert vielleicht auf einem Comic
-Spielt in einer nahen Zukunft
Und hier die geheimen Hinweise (die das ganze fast zu einfach machen):

-Es geht um eine Heldin

-Die Darstellerin wirkte auch in Resident Evil mit.

So, wenn ihr die Lösung habt: Der Comment-button ist gleich hier unten...:-)

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Ok. I'll make this short:
GO and see this film! Allez voir ce film! Geht und guckt euch diesen Film an!

As you can probably see, I went to the movies and saw Bon Cop Bad Cop (shoot first, translate later)... And it was EXCELLENT!
Ok, the story about two cops who can't stand each other but have to solve a crime together is not really new, but what counts is the way it's done.
And it's done pretty perfectly. The actors are great, to start with, the script is excellent even if bilingual (main language is French - Quebecian French - with some English parts which have French subtitles).
Well, what's it about? A guy is found dead with one part of his body in Quebec, the other part in Ontario, so the authorities decide to solve the case together. Obviously there's a lunatic strollin' around killing people because they are selling Hockey Teams (basically, I don't want to spoil you the movie).
The movie is suspenseful, well shot, offers some nice footage of Toronto and Montreal, and hilariously funny.
Here's my review:
Camera: 8/ 10
Sound and Music: 7/ 10
Story (lacking creativity but very well done): 8/10
Actors: 9/10
The Infamous Matrixdancer Factor (for beeing in Canada, seeing how the movie plays with the clichees, and sensitively strikes on the little tensions between Quebec and Ontario, and the wonderful dialogues in quebecian French and English): 10/10
Total Score: 42/50

So, if you have nothing to do, go see the movie. You'll learn some nice things about Canada....Tabernacle!
A trailer is available here: Trailer

Ich habe keine Ahnung, ob dieser Film auch in Deutschland erscheinen wird, und falls ja wann, aber ernsthaft, viel Sinn gäbe das sowieso nicht (leider), denn entweder müsste man die Story angleichen (ein ostdeutscher Polizist und ein westdeutscher versuchen einen Mordfall zu klären - was, das gabs schon, und ist ausserdem noch ziemlich doof? egal), oder aber viel von dem Humor ginge verloren. Mein Tipp also: auf französisch gucken, wenn man auch nur bissl französisch kann, lohnt sich der Film schonmal.

Bis bald, werte Leserschaft.
Macht mal was kulturelles! Äusserst wichtig, bildet ungemein und erheitert auch bei trübem wetter.
cu, µ

Monday, July 24, 2006

Modern art/ Pastafarianism

Good evening!
Yup, it's me again...the funny little voice in the back of your head which makes you do stuff you always wanted to do, but never did, since you were afraid of the social consequences.
Now that we've been introduced to each other, read on and become a "Pastafarian". That's easy, AND great fun. You also save the Planet from dying out of a heat attack. The only thing you have to do, is believe in a flying spaghetti monster that created the world, and dress like a Pirate.

A bandana is sufficient:-) (a german link is here.)
Also, you join a nice community, including me and Sami, (even if Sami doesn't know he might be a pastafarian, but anyway, thanks Sami for wearing Bandanas.) who might very well be the musical voice in your head.

So, join us! the world is your's to discover (and since I'm referring to canadian car license numbers) and your's to remember ("je me souviens"). Ah and by the way this blog is in no way presented by "Molson Dry-jeune depuis 1903", nor "Coors light", nor "Gatorade-As-tu ca en toi?" and not even by "Canadian Tire". (You wish to understand this joke? Learn french, watch the canadian commercials in Quebec, read this post, laugh as much as you want.)

"Anyhow", do "YOU" speak "Matrixdancerish"?
Just "use" "little" "Quotation marks" anywhere. Also when not "writing", but "talking", (use your "fingers" to make little "quotation marks" in the "air"), so that "anyone" will "imagine" "nice" sounds like "Whitchi-whitchi".
Just try it, you'll get new friends in no time and be very popular amongst your connections...even if there's a light chance of making a big fool out of yourself, though.

Soooo....why am I so unfunny? Because I hopped to Montreal last Sat and did somthing against my craving lack of culture. I went to the museum of contemporary art.

It was ...
I mean, "EXCELLENT".:-)
Usually the museums of cont. art are filled with meaningless stupid unfunny annoying useless timewasting pseudoart conceived by some bum who got laudatios by his professors and now gets to be famous and in order to do so he has to be creative, no matter what. That's no art, we agree?
So mostly I'm wandering around those museums thinking: OMFG what the F*** is this S***, even me could have done better and IS doing better.
But this time it was different. I understood. I got enlightened. I had fun. I was entertained. And I have to admit that I was impressed. (It's not easy to impress me...).
Hop over to the link above and have a look at the works of Brian Jungen. He's Canadian, and very nifty. I won't waste my words on describing why I think it was good etc.etc., for ME it was excellent and else, art is felt and should not be descripted. Click on the link. If you think it's interesting, grab your man/girlfriend ("blonde" if you are from Quebec) and go there. If you're a student, have your student's pass with you, so that the entry is only 4 bucks. That's cheap for that load of culture which will flow through your veins. Even if you didn't like it, you can always say that actually "yes, I am going to museums". People will think you are a culturally interested (whateverkindofpersonyouare) person.
Ok, enough publicity for the museum.
I think I'm gonna sleep now...but beware, the flying spaghetti monster is watching my sleep...
cya soon,
brave readers.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

haha! This blog is not dead yet!

Tja, so sieht man sich wieder. Es ist einiges passiert in der letzten Zeit, was vielleicht noch aufgearbeitet wird....-oder auch nicht....ich bin beispielsweise erfolgreich umgezogen, und lebe jetzt mit einem Schottland-fanatischen Gallego-Spanier namens Carlos zusammen, seines zeichens, wie viele hier, Übersetzer.
Ich schlafe auf einer Second-Hand Matratze und freue mich, daß es so warm ist, dass ich keine Decke brauche, desweiteren bin ich stolzer Besitzer einer Maus für den Laptop der jetzt sogar ans Internet angeschlossen ist. Ich habe also wieder Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten, was natürlich prima ist:-)
Und sonst?
Wie auf quebeciana nachzulesen, ist ja gerade Fantasiafestival in Montreal. Da muss ich jetzt aber mal dringendst hin! Mal gucken, wer sich bereit erklärt, zu fahren. Antoine vielleicht?
Ausserdem war ich mal wieder Film gucken, (ohne eine Kritik zu schreiben, ich weiss...) nämlich zuerst Piraten der Karibik 2.
Hier also die Kurzkritik: der film war schon in Ordnung, nur das Ende!!! ARGH!
Yehar, sailor, y'ont be Cap soon the parrot's gonna sting ya! Yar!
NEVER E-V-E-R Cliffhanger bei einer Fortsetzung verwenden. Nie. Warum nicht? Die Handlung wird nicht abgeschlossen. Das ist sooooo billig, das bedeutet nur, daß der Film mit überflüssigen Actionszenen angereichert wurde, was wiederum bedeutet, dass er künstlich gestreckt wurde, was wiederum bedeutet, daß den Produzenten der arme in seinen Kinosessel gekuschelte Matrixdancer völlig egal war. (Und der Rest der Welt auch.)
Das wäre ja prinzipiell eine gute Ausgangslage für einen künstlerisch wertvollen Film (das den Künstlern das Publikum egal ist) aber nicht bei Piraten der karibik 2.
Overall: 7 von 10 Punkten, aber nur, weil ich Piraten ohnehin gerne mag und der Film ganz witzig war und die Maske definitiv Überstunden gewerkelt hat.

So, it's late, see u, werte Leser.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The funny and uncanny persons i`m living with - Part ONE

Ok. You voted. All five of you...
and the vast majority opted to know about the bizarre people I`m living with...
60%, that is.
So here we go:
1. M.: The bald-headed, witty looking italian. He works at the same place I do.
The typical phrase: "ahh...wait...I didn`t understand...mhhhh...(*pause*)...I think that it`s not that, ...but you were right."
He was a mediadesign and storytelling teacher at university, as far as I know.
Estimated Age: =30
More to come...

2. L. The tall, you-can`t-impress-me-with-anything-because-I`ve-seen-it-all italian.
Same workplace.
The typical phrase: "I don`t give a shit. (*laughs kindly after saying that*)"
He has done many jobs back in italy, like being a cook (chef!) and recently translator.
Estimated Age : >40
Special Traits: He`s the only one of us three, who has not only found a nice little flat for him and his dog which will be imported in some days now, he is also the one who has a CAR. That means we owe him some. (*perhaps i should stop writing in English without knowing what the words actually mean.*)
More to come...

3. L.: Our Landlady...described perhaps next time.

Anyway, it`s quite difficult to describe the people you are living with, since they also read blogs and so they might eventually find out how much of a bitch I can be...:-)))
But then, they`re fine. They are very open-minded people (I`m talkin`bout the italians now) and they love to laugh. Usually at me, which makes me "stroppy" (I have no idea what this means but L. always points me out as a "stroppy" person and then keeps laughing for the next 30 minutes), and anyway, I can handle it. Really. I mean it.
Fortunately they are quite often speaking italian so I won`t understand what they are talking about...(*That`s what they think. hehe*)
and sometimes, I even manage to shut up so they can tell some funny stories, example given how cheap everything in good ol`Italy was, how much sun there is there, and sometimes they even give away some really funny tidbits of their past(s). But before telling YOU about it, I`ll ask their permission...I mean, better not stress /push them too much... I have to live with them...:-)))

See you hopefully soon, dear reader.
sincerely yours, µ

PS: I love this diary stuff: "Heissgeliebtes Tagebuch, heute war ein wirklich spannender Tag. Ich dachte es waere so warm wie gestern und die Sonne wuerde scheinen, aber irgendwie war dem nicht so...Graublaue Schleier vernebelten den Himmel und hinderten das Licht am bescheinen meiner Visage...etc.etc.Bis bald, liebes Tagebuch, dein(e) XYZ."

Up next: A new Poll, perhaps the first part of a story and then we`ll see. Bye.

Friday, March 24, 2006

V for Vendetta

Buenas Tardes!
Wichtige Dinge zuerst:
-Rechtschreibfehler: Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, kann mich darauf aufmerksam machen, und wenn ich Zeit habe, werde ich sie korrigieren...was momentan recht unwahrscheinlich ist, da ich immer nur von oeffentlichen PC's aus schreiben kann. Hoffentlich aendert sich das bald...
-This Blog shall go multilingual: Je nach meinem Zeitplan werde ich versuchen, diesen Blog in Deutsch, Franzoesisch und Englisch zu veroeffentlichen, aber momentan-siehe oben- ist das einfach zu aufwaendig. Dafuer gibt es bald einen link, der diese Seite lustig uebersetzen kann.
-Fuer den Fall, dass ich zu selten schreiben sollte (was ich sicherlich tue, aber das aendert sich ja bald), empfehle ich hiermit offiziell und waermstens den folgenden Blog:
->>Quebeciana<<- Auf diesem Blog (der im gegensatz zu meinem auch regelmaessig geupdated wird) sind sogar Bilder zu finden, der Schreibstil ist weit ueber dem Durchschnitt und ueberhaupt, Danke, mich gelinkt zu haben! Also, Besucher, read on bei "Quebeciana"! (dieser Blog wird auch alsbald in der Linkliste zu finden sein.)

Nun zu dem Thema V for Vendetta.
Hier eine kurze Zusammenfassung der sogenannten "Handlung":
"Remember, remember, the fifth of November"[...] Junge Frau von boesen (Sitten-) Polizisten attackiert, Crash, Boom, [...] , wir leben in einem boesen Regime, das uns alle unterdrueckt, kontrolliert, etc, Crash, Boom, Alle boesen tot, unbekannter Raecher auch, Big Ben (London)->BoOom.

Okok, das war vielleicht etwas uebertrieben, aber insgesamt gar nicht so falsch, denn:
Im Gegensatz zu dem ausgezeichneten, hervorragend geschriebenen Comic, der ja bekanntermassen die Vorlage zum Film darstellt (die Wachowski-Bros. haben offensichtlich eine Schwaeche fuer Comics), reduziert der Film die Schluesselszenen des Comics (eindrucksvoll in schwarz-weiss illustriert von David Lloyd) leider meist auf Krachbumm-Actionszenen. Das macht den Film definitiv massenkompatibler (Comicautor Alan Moore bestand darauf, seinen Namen nicht in den Credits zu sehen). Gluecklicherweise gelingt es dem Script nicht, die Faszination des "Ein Mann hat eine Idee, die die Welt veraendern kann und startet eine Revolution"-Plots vollstaendig zu eliminieren; auch die Schauspieler sind offensichtlich konzentriert und ueberzeugt an der Arbeit gewesen.
Mehr zu dem Film, seiner Handlung und Links zu den beteiligten Parteien folgen vielleicht noch, bis dahin sind
Google und Wikipedia des interessierten Lesers beste Freunde:-)
Technisch gesehen ist der Film nicht schlecht, aber auch nicht hervorragend, die Tonspur ist meines Erachtens etwas zu bombastisch, dafuer hat mir die Darstellung der Gewalt gut gefallen: die Aehnlichkeit zu den Szenen, die wir momentan fast taeglich in den Nachrichtensendungen im Fernsehen angeboten bekommen, ist unverkennbar (mit Ausnahme einiger "Martial-Arts" Sequenzen) und gerade aus diesem Grund sehr eindruecklich.
Hier Matrixdancers Wertung:
Technik: 7/10
Ton, Dialoge: 7/10
Schauspieler: 9/10
Story: 6/10
Der "ich denke drueber nach"-Faktor: 9/10
Fazit: 38/ 50 maximalen Punkten: Prima Unterhaltung mit Philosophischem Twist. Nice.
That's it...
Haltet die Ohren steiff, stay tuned,

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Montreal, First Visit

Samstag war "Montreal"-Tag. Und St.Patricks Parade - Tag, by the way...
Was soll ich sagen... Zunächst einmal war ich ziemlich baff... die Stadt ist riesig. Bisher hatte ich sie ja nur aus der Luft gesehen, da war sie zwar auch schon ziemlich groß, aber kein Vergleich zum durchfahren, und durchlaufen.
Die St. Patricks Parade war interessant, aber ehrlich gesagt wollte ich ein bißchen Großstadtluft schnuppern und nicht stundenlang an einer Strasse in der Kälte stehen. Was ich dann auch in die Tat umgesetzt habe.
Soviel vorab, ich mag die Stadt. Besucht oder gesehen habe ich zwar nicht so viel, aber immerhin:
Das Jules-Verne Museum, das Expogelände (grosses Technikmuseum), Teile des Quartier Latin (ja gibt es hier auch...), und vor allem bin ich ein bißchen in der Cité Souterraine herumgelaufen. In diesem spezifischen Teil von Montreal gibt es nämlich einige Wolkenkratzer/Türme, und unter diesen gibt es nicht nur einen U-Bahnzugang, sondern auch Geschäfte, Cafés, und Zugänge zu anderen Türmen...sehr praktisch bei eisigem Wind und Temperaturen von mehr als 10 Grad minus. Diese Untergrundstadt ist gewaltig, >30 km Stollen und Gänge unterhalb der Stadt. Impressive.
More to come soon...:-)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Cabane à Sucre/ S(h)ugarshack

Gestern fand der vielfach angekuendigte Social Club Event statt. Das bedeutet, alle die mitkommen wollten, und ihren Beitrag gezahlt haben, versteht sich, wurden zu einem ...nun ja... sagen wir: einem Gebaeude transferiert,
in dem wohl mal Maple (Ahorn) - Produkte hergestellt wurden.
Ob heute auch noch Maple-produkte an diesem Ort hergestellt werden, kann ich nicht sagen, aber das Gelaende ist ziemlich weitlaufig.
Der Abend in Kurzfassung: Transfer mittels Fahrgemeinschaften zu eben jenem Sugarshack, Warten im Dancehall / Barbereich (dazu spaeter mehr), schliesslich 'Essen' in 'rustikalem' Ambiente, Retour zur Dancehall, Fabrikation eines Lutschers, Rueckfahrt.

Die oben erwaehnte Dancehall besteht im wesentlichen aus einem sehr grossen Raum, im Fond die BAR (Aeusserst wichtig, damit die Leute sich etwas 'entspannen' koennen), eine mittelgrosse Musik/DJ- Anlage gleich rechts des Eingangs, flankiert von einem Flipper, einem Autorennvideospiel, einem Motorradvideospiel, einem Shootervideospiel, und:
der kanadischen Entsprechung unseres Tischfussballs (auch unter dem Namen 'Kicker' bekannt). Im Prinzip das selbe Spiel, nur mit einem Puck, der aus der mitte des Tisches geschossen kommt, und Eishockeyfiguerchen, die man ueber Hebel steuern kann. Lustig.
Im grossen und ganzen erinnert diese Dancehall sehr stark an diejenige, die den Rahmen im Film
"They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" (1969) von Sidney Pollack bildet.
Mehr Informationen zu diesem Film hier.

Zum Essen (dem Hauptpart des gestrigen Abends).
Ich weiss ja nicht, was die kanadischen Jungs und Maedels frueher alles an Energie bei ihrer taeglichen Arbeit verbrannt haben, aber dem (angeblich) originalen Essen zufolge, das wir gestern bekamen, tippe ich auf ungefaehr 12.000 Kalorien. War aber ganz ok, was den geschmack angeht (natuerlich subjektiv, es gab genuegend leute, denen es nicht so sehr geschmeckt hat...:-) ).
Fuer alle, die das ganz genau wissen wollen: Das Mahl bestand aus Brot, Fritiertem Speck (pures salz), Roter beete, Bohnensuppe, Schinken, Omelette (Hohes Ommelette, nicht so ein kleiner Pfanneneintopf), suessen Wuerstchen, Krautsalat, Pancakes oder Crepes. Zu allem natuerlich Maple Syrup soviel man will.

Nun zum Lutscher....
Tire sur la Neige heisst das, und funktioniert folgendermassen:
Warmer Maplesyrup wird in kurzen Linien auf eine
glatte Schneedecke gegossen. Dann steckt man ein hoelzchen (Aehnlich dem, das zum AHHHH-sagen beim Zahnarzt benutzt wird) in ein ende der Linie, wartet bis der syrup eine gelartige Konsistenz hat, und dreht dann das Hoelzchen, bis man einen Lolly hat. In den Mund stecken, fertig. Sehr suess, aber lecker.

So long fuer den 18.maerz.
Ich werde versuchen, diesen Blog moeglichst einmal oder oefter pro woche upzudaten, aber leider keine garantie.
Ich freue mich ueber Kommentare, wenn jemanden etwas insbesondere interessieren sollte, nur heraus damit.
Vielleicht mache ich dann daraus das Thema eines Artikels!
Morgen fahre ich eventuell nach Montreal, mal sehen...
und naechstes mal geht es entweder um
das Kanadische Bier,
meine kleine WG,
oder Montreal. Please Vote ! (Abstimmen).
Cya soon, kleine aber treue leserschaft! *wink*

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

First message from finis terra on this blog

This is kinda test message. I'll check out this stuff later on.